Marketing Your CPA Practice with Your Website

Marketing Your CPA Practice with Your Website

Marketing your CPA Practice with your Website

Your website is your "online entrance" into your CPA practice. Your website should be just as friendly and welcoming as your receptionist is when a client visits your physical office.



Mobile-Friendly with Fast Loading Speeds

Consumers expect that your website loads quickly and contains all the details they need (remember NAP - NAME-ADDRESS-PHONE NUMBER?). Consumers also expect that your website will work seamlessly on all devices. If your website isn't mobile-friendly, potential clients may look elsewhere.

Can you lose a potential client that easily?

Absolutely! So you must make sure your website is advantageous to your CPA firm, not the firms of competitors.

Upgrade Your Potential Client's Interaction

Creating a responsive and mobile-friendly website is only the beginning. Your website must be useful and informative for your clients. Before signing a contract for accounting services, people want to know more about the business.

These are some suggestions to help you determine the type of content that your clients are looking for:

  • Use your NAP  (your business name, address, and phone number)
  • List your hours of operation
  • How to get to your CPA practice
  • Learn about your accounting specialties
  • Options to schedule an appointment
  • Learn about the history of your CPA practice
  • Read bios of you and your team members


Your Practice Website Represents YOU Online.

Create a website for your accounting practice that has a lasting impression.